The Grand Vizier of Suleiman the Magnificent, Rüstem Pasha, had it built by Mimar Sinan. It is an interesting example of classical Ottoman architecture and one of the magnificent structures of the period of Suleiman the Magnificent. It has a courtyard inn plan. Two-story rooms are placed around the rectangular courtyard. The sides of the floors facing the courtyard are porticoed. There are rooms with fireplaces and niches behind the porticoes. There are stairs going up opposite each other on the long sides. The brick ornamentation on the upper floor window and door arches is interesting. The walls made of cut stone and brick give the structure a monumental appearance. Rüstem Pasha Caravanserai was restored in 1972 and turned into a hotel and received the Aga Khan Architecture Award in 1980 with this restoration that was deemed successful.

Transport: City Center/EDIRNE